Friday, 16 May 2008

Visit by Mayor of Dunaharaszti, Hungary

The Hungarian flag flew for the first time at the Radlett Centre last weekend (18 – 20 April) to welcome Dr Laslo Szalay, the Mayor of Dunaharaszti in Hungary and two colleagues who were visiting Radlett and Aldenham at the invitation of the Twin Town Association, RAIFA. Their visit to the Parish of Aldenham is part of continuing twinning discussions between the two communities following a visit to Dunaharaszti by RAIFA members last Summer.

During their busy programme the visitors, Dr Szalay, Marianna Bucsko and Zoltan Petho visited Shenley Park and toured the Parish of Aldenham, taking in Bhaktivedanta Manor in Letchmore Heath, Newberries Primary School and Aldenham Country Park. They met representatives of local societies at a reception hosted by Aldenham Parish Council and also met with Councillor Martin Saunders, Mayor of Hertsmere. Finally, they also visited Borehamwood market, St Albans Abbey and Verulamium Museum.

Dunaharaszti is a town with Roman connections located by the River Danube, near to the Hungarian capital, Budapest. Although it is larger than Radlett, it has much in common with it's prospective partner including thriving choral, drama, music and art societies with whom links are being planned. RAIFA Chairman Clive Glover said “It has been a very enjoyable weekend for us and our visitors and I am confident that we will be able to establish a number of links between individuals and societies here in Radlett and Aldenham and their counterparts in Dunaharaszti over the coming months”.

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